so, how do we get hooked on caffeine?

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Adenosine is a molecule in your brain that attaches to receptors and creates a feeling of sluggishness, mental fogginess, and an overall feeling of tiredness. The longer you are awake, the more adenosine is created. This is why we get tired at the end of the day.

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Caffeine is a molecule that is structured much like adenosine – but creates the opposite feeling. Caffeine will leave you feeling energized and focused. When ingested, it not only attaches to the same brain receptors, but also blocks adenosine from doing so. So, caffeine is essentially preventing your brain from feeling tired.

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However, if you use caffeine over a long period of time, your brain is going to develop more receptors as a response. Because the brain creates more receptors, you will need more caffeine to fill those receptors and inspire that feeling of energy and clarity. What was once your 8am cup of coffee will eventually turn into 2 or 3 cups just so you can feel awake.

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Cutting out caffeine, or forgetting your daily dose of it, will leave all of your receptors open. Adenosine will not only occupy the first set of receptors, but also the additional receptors that were created in response to how much caffeine you were ingesting. Going cold turkey will start a withdrawal response, leaving you feeling more tired and lethargic than you might have before you ever drank caffeine.

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Caffeine also stimulates the production of adrenaline and impacts dopamine levels. It leaves you with a happy, euphoric feeling…and always wanting a little more of it. Another example of how a drug might have the same effect on the body would be how cocaine leaves you energized and with a high. You will always be coming back for more caffeine.

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Step 1: See our chart above or do some of your own web-based research. Most major brands will have their caffeine content (and other nutritional facts) available online.  

Step 2: Based on your calculations, order a REJUVE kit that best matches how many milligrams of caffeine you are ingesting on a daily basis.

Step 3: Follow our 28-day plan and start feeling better! After some time passes, you may notice that your caffeine tolerance is high again, in which case, it’s time to REJUVE your body again!